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Jeremy Raeszler

Happy Birthday!

Today is my birthday and it feels weird making a blog post about my birthday but on February 24, 2008 I had a neurosurgeon tell my wife two things.  To expect her life to change because I would never walk again and the life expectancy of someone with my level and severity of a spinal cord injury was 10 years.  That was over 16 years ago and today I feel stronger, both mentally and physically, than I did before my injury.

Am I being selfish by celebrating my birthday at my age? I don’t think so.  Today is about celebrating the amazing life I have been given.  It’s about celebrating goodness and faithfulness, patience and persistence.

I have realized over the years that every day is a gift.  Today I choose to not only acknowledge the day, but celebrate it too.

So today I am 51.  It is a little bittersweet for sure…and I don’t know what the upcoming year will bring, but you can rest assured, I will make the most of it.  I will continue to fix my sights on the good as I work my way through the storms.  And no matter what this year brings, I will continue to have an attitude of celebration!  It is more fun this way and I am totally convinced there are too many good things in life not to celebrate them each and every day.

I am what I am. That's a great thing to be! If I say so myself, Happy Birthday to Me! - Dr. Seuss

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